Anda tahu negara Korea? Di Korea, makanan ringan dijual di gerobak-gerobak pinggir jalan di siang dan malam hari. Pada malam hari pedagang makanan mendirikan tenda-tenda kecil yang menjual makanan ringan, minuman dan arak (soju).
Makanan Korea cukup dinikmati oleh turis-turis asing. Jenis-jenis makanan ringan yang biasa dijual adalah patbingsu, Ice Cream di saat musim panas, gimbap, tteokbokki, hotteok, eomuk, bungeoppang, dan sebagainya.
* Gimbap (nasi rumput laut, 김밥) sangat mudah dibuat. Terbuat dari nasi yang dibalut rumput laut kering (Kim), isinya bervariasi dari sayur-sayuran, telur goreng, ikan, daging, sosis, dan biji-bijian. Variasi isi gimbap lainnya: tuna, keju, bulgogi dan sebagainya.
* Buchimgae atau Jeon adalah jenis kudapan yang dibuat dari kimchi atau makanan laut yang dicampur dengan adonan tepung dan digoreng menjadi seperti pancake.
o Pajeon (파전): pancake yang terbuat dari campuran telur, tepung, bawang bombai, dan kerang.
o Bindaetteok (빈대떡): pancake yang terbuat dari campuran kacang hijau, bawang bombai, dan kimchi.
* Bungeoppang (붕어빵; "roti ikan mas") adalah jenis kue panggang yang diisi dengan pasta kacang merah dengan cetakan berbentuk ikan.
* Gukwa-ppang (국화빵) hampir sejenis dengan bungeoppang, namun berbentuk bunga.
* Gyeran-ppang (계란빵) kue panggang yang berbentuk persegi/lingkaran. Jenis-jenis ppang ini biasa dijual di pedagang kaki lima.
Jenis-jenis makanan ringan lainnya :
* Ddeokbokki (떡볶이): kue beras yang direbus dengan saus pedas gochujang.
* Soondae (순대): sosis khas Korea yang terbuat dari campuran nasi, darah sapi/babi, mie kentang, kecambah, bawang bombai, bawang putih.
* Ho-tteok (호떡) : sejenis pancake, namun diisi dengan bahan sirup seperti gula merah, madu, kacang parut dan kayu manis. Hotteok biasa dijual pada saat musim dingin untuk menghangatkan tubuh.
Anju (makanan sampingan dan minuman keras)
Anju (안주) adalah istilah umum untuk makanan sampingan yang dikonsumsi bersama minuman beralkohol (soju). Biasanya disajikan di bar-bar, noraebang dan restoran-restoran yang menyajikan minuman keras. Cumi rebus dengan saus gochujang, dubu kimchi, odeng/ohmuk, gimbap, samgagimbap (onigiri khas Korea), sora, dan nakji (gurita kecil) adalah beberapa contoh makanan yang dihidangkan sebagai anju. Jenis anju lainnya adalah soondae, samgyeopsal, dan dwejigalbi. Sebagian besar makanan Korea disajikan sebagai anju, namun berbeda dengan banchan. (wikipedia)
Lihat juga :
Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010
Ice Cream Delivered To Your Door?
What’s better than Ice cream ? Ice cream delivered to your door.
And what’s better than ice cream delivered to your door? A complete ice cream social delivered to your door.
Dandy Don’s sent me their newest creation: an ice cream social for 25 people shipped directly to you. The ice cream social in a box includes 25 individual scoops of ice cream in separate containers, 9 toppings (including hot fudge and caramel), spoons, napkins, tablecloths, and soda jerk hats. There isn’t anything else that you would need for an ice cream social — except for people to eat the ice cream and perhaps some whipped cream.
I particularly liked that they included two containers of m&m’s and crumbled Oreos since most people enjoy those toppings. One of my favorite touches was the crushed sugar cones as a topping. I normally don’t eat crushed sugar cones on my ice cream but now I might start.
Another pleasant surprise was the amount of ice cream in the containers — there was A LOT of it. (Plus enough space was left in the containers to add toppings.) If you’re serving this for kids you’d almost want to cut each scoop of ice cream in half because the scoops were so large.
Lastly, the ice cream itself was very good. My favorite flavor was the cappuccino crunch, followed by vanilla, and then chocolate.
If you’re looking for an easy to assemble party this is a good bet. The price is a little steep, but if you compare it to buying and assembling all of the ingredients and supplies individually or to hiring Ben and Jerry’s to cater your party, it’s not too bad of a deal.
Source : ice cream maker review - adailyscoop
See also :
Dim Sum
And what’s better than ice cream delivered to your door? A complete ice cream social delivered to your door.
Dandy Don’s sent me their newest creation: an ice cream social for 25 people shipped directly to you. The ice cream social in a box includes 25 individual scoops of ice cream in separate containers, 9 toppings (including hot fudge and caramel), spoons, napkins, tablecloths, and soda jerk hats. There isn’t anything else that you would need for an ice cream social — except for people to eat the ice cream and perhaps some whipped cream.
I particularly liked that they included two containers of m&m’s and crumbled Oreos since most people enjoy those toppings. One of my favorite touches was the crushed sugar cones as a topping. I normally don’t eat crushed sugar cones on my ice cream but now I might start.
Another pleasant surprise was the amount of ice cream in the containers — there was A LOT of it. (Plus enough space was left in the containers to add toppings.) If you’re serving this for kids you’d almost want to cut each scoop of ice cream in half because the scoops were so large.
Lastly, the ice cream itself was very good. My favorite flavor was the cappuccino crunch, followed by vanilla, and then chocolate.
If you’re looking for an easy to assemble party this is a good bet. The price is a little steep, but if you compare it to buying and assembling all of the ingredients and supplies individually or to hiring Ben and Jerry’s to cater your party, it’s not too bad of a deal.
Source : ice cream maker review - adailyscoop
See also :
Dim Sum
Wine dari Perancis
Carbenet Sauvignon
Jika Wine putih / hijau nya yang populer dengan Carbenet Chardonnay Sauvignon dapat dikatakan bintang jenis wine merah. Alasannya adalah karena sebagian jenis wine mudah tumbuh di daerah beriklim sedang hangat dan pemeliharanya 'rewel' tidak. Banyak hasil di Perancis (Bordeaux), Italia, Amerika Serikat (California), Chile, Australia dan Afrika Selatan. blackberry karakter buah yang kuat dan juga memiliki tingkat yang lebih tinggi tanin (rasa Sepat) tinggi dibandingkan dengan jenis lain anggur. Tidak jarang para penggemar menjuliki Carbenet Sauvignon anggur sebagai anggur yang keras kepala dan tangguh.
Pinot Noir
Di antara berbagai jenis anggur, Pinot Noir dapat dikatakan sebagai budidaya anggur yang paling sulit. Menariknya meskipun jenis yang sama Pinot Noir tetapi rasa dan karakter dari anggur yang dihasilkan bisa berbeda. Yohan Handoyo dalam bukunya menyebut anggur ini memiliki kepribadian ganda. Karakter Pinot Noir kadang-kadang saja menerbitkan stroberi saja, tetapi ketika diproses, lebih khusus blackcerry karakter, coklat (gelap), jamur (jamur) sampai cerutu juga akan kita dapatkan. Tapi justru karakter Pinot Noir yang tidak mudah ditebak membuat jenis anggur yang dijual di pasar. Karena pecinta wine akan bisa mendapatkan kejutan yang tak terbayangkan coba meskipun Pinot Noir. Ini anggur yang baik jesnis berasal dari Prancis (Burgundy dan Champagne), California (Oregon), Australia, Selandia Baru dan Chile. Bicara dalam hal warna, warna Pinot Noir memiliki lebih muda dari Carbenet Sauvignon, bahkan begitu puas tanin nya yang bisa dikatakan lebih lembut.
Banyak diproduksi di Australia, Afrika Selatan, Prancis (yang terkenal dari Lembah Rhone), USA (California) juga Chili. Di Perancis, Syrah Shiraz disebut dengan nama, jadi Shiraz dan Syrah adalah sama. Memiliki berbagai rasa dan satu adalah karakter cirri kkasnya lada hitam dan lada putih dia. Ada juga karakter coklat (gelap), violet, kopi, tembakau, cerutu, vanili sampai karakter daging binatang liar (game).
Adalah jenis anggur yang menghasilkan anggur rasa lembut. Menurut para ahli, anggur, Merlot adalah sepasang anggur diproduksi oleh Carbenet Sauvignon (kuat). Pertumbuhan ini tidak jauh dari memproduksi Carbenet Sauvignon, yaitu di daerah Perancis, Italia, Chile, Argentina, Australia, Afrika Selatan dan Amerika Serikat (California). Ini mengandung tanin yang lembut dan karakter buah seperti kismis hitam, blackberry, stroberi, plum hingga karakter tembakau, kopi dan cokelat lembut.
Sumber: seleramagazine
Jika Wine putih / hijau nya yang populer dengan Carbenet Chardonnay Sauvignon dapat dikatakan bintang jenis wine merah. Alasannya adalah karena sebagian jenis wine mudah tumbuh di daerah beriklim sedang hangat dan pemeliharanya 'rewel' tidak. Banyak hasil di Perancis (Bordeaux), Italia, Amerika Serikat (California), Chile, Australia dan Afrika Selatan. blackberry karakter buah yang kuat dan juga memiliki tingkat yang lebih tinggi tanin (rasa Sepat) tinggi dibandingkan dengan jenis lain anggur. Tidak jarang para penggemar menjuliki Carbenet Sauvignon anggur sebagai anggur yang keras kepala dan tangguh.
Pinot Noir
Di antara berbagai jenis anggur, Pinot Noir dapat dikatakan sebagai budidaya anggur yang paling sulit. Menariknya meskipun jenis yang sama Pinot Noir tetapi rasa dan karakter dari anggur yang dihasilkan bisa berbeda. Yohan Handoyo dalam bukunya menyebut anggur ini memiliki kepribadian ganda. Karakter Pinot Noir kadang-kadang saja menerbitkan stroberi saja, tetapi ketika diproses, lebih khusus blackcerry karakter, coklat (gelap), jamur (jamur) sampai cerutu juga akan kita dapatkan. Tapi justru karakter Pinot Noir yang tidak mudah ditebak membuat jenis anggur yang dijual di pasar. Karena pecinta wine akan bisa mendapatkan kejutan yang tak terbayangkan coba meskipun Pinot Noir. Ini anggur yang baik jesnis berasal dari Prancis (Burgundy dan Champagne), California (Oregon), Australia, Selandia Baru dan Chile. Bicara dalam hal warna, warna Pinot Noir memiliki lebih muda dari Carbenet Sauvignon, bahkan begitu puas tanin nya yang bisa dikatakan lebih lembut.
Banyak diproduksi di Australia, Afrika Selatan, Prancis (yang terkenal dari Lembah Rhone), USA (California) juga Chili. Di Perancis, Syrah Shiraz disebut dengan nama, jadi Shiraz dan Syrah adalah sama. Memiliki berbagai rasa dan satu adalah karakter cirri kkasnya lada hitam dan lada putih dia. Ada juga karakter coklat (gelap), violet, kopi, tembakau, cerutu, vanili sampai karakter daging binatang liar (game).
Adalah jenis anggur yang menghasilkan anggur rasa lembut. Menurut para ahli, anggur, Merlot adalah sepasang anggur diproduksi oleh Carbenet Sauvignon (kuat). Pertumbuhan ini tidak jauh dari memproduksi Carbenet Sauvignon, yaitu di daerah Perancis, Italia, Chile, Argentina, Australia, Afrika Selatan dan Amerika Serikat (California). Ini mengandung tanin yang lembut dan karakter buah seperti kismis hitam, blackberry, stroberi, plum hingga karakter tembakau, kopi dan cokelat lembut.
Sumber: seleramagazine
Baca secara fonetik
Soft Texture of Ice Cream
Soft texture. It was miscellaneous. Lit cold sensation in the mouth. That ice cream. Young person into adulthood like it. In addition to the view that the appetite, a variety of flavors offered by the cover of the most popular menus across America.
History is quite diverse history. One was called the Emperor Nero of Rome in the century 37-68 BC ordered his cook to make food from the snow mountain peaks that served with fresh fruit on top.
Many people who serve ice cream to his guests in a banquet. Even the legendary figure of the U.S. mainland ever to serve this menu. Call it the George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Dolly Madison. Now Oprah Winfrey and actress Sarah Jessica Parker, for example, had a favorite ice cream locations in Ohio.
Along with age, ice cream is not the only food that is a mixture of milk and salt. Various materials, such as fruit and chocolate, combined to create delicious food nan. Even more elegant presentation.
Sour Sally Frozen Yogurt is. In contrast to the usual yogurt we meet, Sour Sally comes over frozen ice cream tub. Prepared from milk fermented with a top quality United States and added the original plain flavor choices, green tea, and twist, and topping a fresh and light, from fruit to chocolate cereal, yogurt lovers that the more indulgent health priority.
See also : Sour Sally
History is quite diverse history. One was called the Emperor Nero of Rome in the century 37-68 BC ordered his cook to make food from the snow mountain peaks that served with fresh fruit on top.
Many people who serve ice cream to his guests in a banquet. Even the legendary figure of the U.S. mainland ever to serve this menu. Call it the George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Dolly Madison. Now Oprah Winfrey and actress Sarah Jessica Parker, for example, had a favorite ice cream locations in Ohio.
Along with age, ice cream is not the only food that is a mixture of milk and salt. Various materials, such as fruit and chocolate, combined to create delicious food nan. Even more elegant presentation.
Sour Sally Frozen Yogurt is. In contrast to the usual yogurt we meet, Sour Sally comes over frozen ice cream tub. Prepared from milk fermented with a top quality United States and added the original plain flavor choices, green tea, and twist, and topping a fresh and light, from fruit to chocolate cereal, yogurt lovers that the more indulgent health priority.
See also : Sour Sally
Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010
Enjyong Sushi in on the side of the road
Sushi restaurant that is usually synonymous with a luxurious place, with exorbitant prices that were broken by Sushi Boon is on the side of Jalan Dago exactly in front of Level Factory Outlet. Sushi lovers can also enjoy a variety of fusion sushi at a price close to the people.
Eating sushi with different experience, that's the slogan Sushi Boon. When eating at Sushi Boon, will feel different to eat sushi at sushi restaurants other special.
The concept is minimalist and sushi stalls open. There, visitors can sit in a simple plastic chair, or on a table-like bar that directly deal with Sushi chef Boon.
Various image fusion sushi on the menu or suhsi which has been modified to make not wait to taste the typical Japanese food. Some of the menu at Sushi Boon among rolling stones, Spiky the spicy, battousai roll, crabby baby, Leviathan, sweetheart, sunshine, and maguro island. In addition, there are also original sushi such as nigiri, Gunkan, insults, and donburi.
According to one owner of Sushi Boon, Rifki Amir Balfas (22), from some of the menu at the top, kind of sushi is a mainstay is the Rolling Stones. Deliberately given the name Rolling Stones for more remembered and in accordance with the target market Boon Sushi was a young child.
"The choice of name was very young. Let's easy to remember, too," he said with a laugh.
Rolling stones is sushi which involves a series of beef teriyaki and melting mozzarella cheese. This menu is suitable for the type suhsi who do not like seafood.
About the price, do not worry, the price of sushi at Sushi Boon light in the bag. Prices range from Rp 10 thousand to USD 30 thousand. According Rifki, the price is adjusted to its market that is among the students, teenagers, young adults. "We want customers happy," he said.
Portions were different from most other sushi portions which only serve 4 slices of sushi. In this Boon Sushi, fusion sushi is divided into 8 pieces. "It was hell why 8 pieces because we're business had eight, so let me just try to fit one on one," he said.
The concept of outdoor Sushi Boon made the atmosphere more fun and relaxed feel while eating a variety of sushi. If you do not want to eat on the spot, Sushi Boon can also be wrapped to take home. "People do not usually reluctant to go into a fancy sushi restaurants. We want to make a chill out with a concept like this," he concluded. (Avi / tya-detikbandung)
See also: burger king
Eating sushi with different experience, that's the slogan Sushi Boon. When eating at Sushi Boon, will feel different to eat sushi at sushi restaurants other special.
The concept is minimalist and sushi stalls open. There, visitors can sit in a simple plastic chair, or on a table-like bar that directly deal with Sushi chef Boon.
Various image fusion sushi on the menu or suhsi which has been modified to make not wait to taste the typical Japanese food. Some of the menu at Sushi Boon among rolling stones, Spiky the spicy, battousai roll, crabby baby, Leviathan, sweetheart, sunshine, and maguro island. In addition, there are also original sushi such as nigiri, Gunkan, insults, and donburi.
According to one owner of Sushi Boon, Rifki Amir Balfas (22), from some of the menu at the top, kind of sushi is a mainstay is the Rolling Stones. Deliberately given the name Rolling Stones for more remembered and in accordance with the target market Boon Sushi was a young child.
"The choice of name was very young. Let's easy to remember, too," he said with a laugh.
Rolling stones is sushi which involves a series of beef teriyaki and melting mozzarella cheese. This menu is suitable for the type suhsi who do not like seafood.
About the price, do not worry, the price of sushi at Sushi Boon light in the bag. Prices range from Rp 10 thousand to USD 30 thousand. According Rifki, the price is adjusted to its market that is among the students, teenagers, young adults. "We want customers happy," he said.
Portions were different from most other sushi portions which only serve 4 slices of sushi. In this Boon Sushi, fusion sushi is divided into 8 pieces. "It was hell why 8 pieces because we're business had eight, so let me just try to fit one on one," he said.
The concept of outdoor Sushi Boon made the atmosphere more fun and relaxed feel while eating a variety of sushi. If you do not want to eat on the spot, Sushi Boon can also be wrapped to take home. "People do not usually reluctant to go into a fancy sushi restaurants. We want to make a chill out with a concept like this," he concluded. (Avi / tya-detikbandung)
See also: burger king
Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010
Ya Rujak, Ya Soto
Bagi orang Surabaya rujak cingur tentu bukan makanan asing di lidah. Makanan ini sepertinya sudah menjadi identik dengan kota pahlawan ini. Demikian juga dengan soto, sangat mudah ditemukan. Rujak cingur memang enak, soto babat juga tidak kalah nikmat. Lalu bagaimana jika kedua hidangan ini menjadi satu ? Jadilah rujak soto, makanan khas kota paling timur Pulau Jawa, Banyuwangi.
Di negeri Blambangan, rujak soto kebanyakan dijual di warung-warung. Warung yang terletak di depan Stadion Diponegoro di bilangan Jaksa Agung Suprapto Banyuwangi adalah salah satu yang terkenal. Rujak soto merupakan paduan rujak cingur dan soto babat, tapi rujaknya berbeda dengan rujak cingur Surabaya. Selain tidak memakai cingur perbedaan lain terletak dari petis yang digunakan. Petisnya terasa keset dan lebih nikmat dibandingkan petis biasa. Untuk sotonya, mirip soto Madura tapi hanya menggunakan daging babat saja. Saat disajikan, rujak soto tak jauh ubahnya seperti rujak yang disiram soto. Ditambah taburan kerupuk mlinjo dan kerupuk udang menjadi makanan ini makin gurih. Hmm….
Soal kombinasi makanan menjadi satu, rujak soto bukan satu-satunya, karena masih ada hidangan campur-campur khas Banyuwangi lainnya yaitu : Pecel Rawon, Pecel Kare, dan Rujak Bakso (ngga kebayang deh bakso maem ama petis ). Ayo..ayo sempatkanlah mencicipi hidangan two in one ala Banyuwangi ini. (manda la mendol - si jago makan)
Lihat juga : hanamasa
burger king
Di negeri Blambangan, rujak soto kebanyakan dijual di warung-warung. Warung yang terletak di depan Stadion Diponegoro di bilangan Jaksa Agung Suprapto Banyuwangi adalah salah satu yang terkenal. Rujak soto merupakan paduan rujak cingur dan soto babat, tapi rujaknya berbeda dengan rujak cingur Surabaya. Selain tidak memakai cingur perbedaan lain terletak dari petis yang digunakan. Petisnya terasa keset dan lebih nikmat dibandingkan petis biasa. Untuk sotonya, mirip soto Madura tapi hanya menggunakan daging babat saja. Saat disajikan, rujak soto tak jauh ubahnya seperti rujak yang disiram soto. Ditambah taburan kerupuk mlinjo dan kerupuk udang menjadi makanan ini makin gurih. Hmm….
Soal kombinasi makanan menjadi satu, rujak soto bukan satu-satunya, karena masih ada hidangan campur-campur khas Banyuwangi lainnya yaitu : Pecel Rawon, Pecel Kare, dan Rujak Bakso (ngga kebayang deh bakso maem ama petis ). Ayo..ayo sempatkanlah mencicipi hidangan two in one ala Banyuwangi ini. (manda la mendol - si jago makan)
Lihat juga : hanamasa
burger king
Apa itu lemak susu?
Lemak susu, atau lemak pada umumnya, termasuk dari sumber non0dairy, adalah penting untuk ice cream karena alasan berikut:
* Meningkatkan kekayaan rasa pada es krim * Menghasilkan tekstur yang halus karakteristik oleh pelumas langit-langit * Membantu untuk memberikan tubuh untuk es krim, karena perannya dalam destabilisasi lemak * Membantu dalam sifat mencair yang baik, juga karena perannya dalam destabilisasi lemak * Membantu dalam pelumas laras pembeku selama manufaktur (Non-lemak campuran sangat keras pada peralatan pembekuan)
Keterbatasan penggunaan berlebihan gemuk susu dalam campuran meliputi: * Biaya * Menghambat kemampuan mencambuk * Penurunan konsumsi karena kekayaan berlebihan * Nilai tinggi kalori
Sumber terbaik gemuk susu es krim untuk bumbu kualitas tinggi dan kenyamanan adalah krim manis segar dari susu manis segar. Sumber-sumber lain termasuk mentega atau lemak susu anhidrat.
Selama pembekuan es krim, emulsi lemak yang ada dalam campuran akan mengguncang sebagian atau penurunan sebagai akibat dari penggabungan udara, kristalisasi es dan gaya geser tinggi dari pisau. Ini sebagian berputar diperlukan untuk mengatur struktur dan tekstur es krim, yang sangat mirip dengan struktur whipped cream. Pengemulsi membantu mempromosikan proses destabilisasi, yang akan dibahas di bawah.
The trigliserida dalam lemak susu memiliki berbagai macam mencair, +40 ° C sampai -40 ° C, dan dengan demikian selalu ada kombinasi lemak cair dan kristal. Perubahan ini padat: Rasio cair dapat mempengaruhi jumlah destabilisasi lemak yang terjadi. Menduplikasi struktur dengan sumber lain lemak yang sulit.
Sayuran (non-dairy) lemak yang digunakan secara luas sebagai sumber lemak dalam es krim di Inggris, bagian dari Eropa, Timur Jauh, dan Amerika Latin tetapi hanya sampai tingkat yang sangat terbatas di Amerika Utara. Lima faktor yang sangat menarik dalam pemilihan sumber lemak adalah struktur kristal lemak, tingkat di mana mengkristal lemak selama kondisi suhu yang dinamis, profil suhu lebur tergantung dari lemak, terutama pada suhu dingin dan freezer, isi leleh trigliserida tinggi (yang dapat menghasilkan lilin, mouthfeel berminyak) dan rasa dan kemurnian minyak. Adalah penting bahwa tetesan lemak mengandung rasio antara cairan: lemak padat pada saat pembekuan. Sulit untuk menghitung rasio ini karena tergantung pada sejumlah faktor komposisi dan manufaktur, bagaimanapun, 1 / 2 sampai 2 / 3 lemak kristal pada 4-5oC adalah aturan, baik bekerja. Kristalisasi lemak terjadi dalam tiga langkah: pelewat-dinginan untuk mendorong nukleasi, nukleasi heterogen atau homogen (atau keduanya), dan propagasi kristal.
Lemak massal, nukleasi didominasi heterogen, dengan kristal diri mereka bertindak sebagai agen untuk kristalisasi nukleasi lebih lanjut, dan pelewat-dinginan biasanya minimal. Namun, dalam suatu emulsi, tetesan masing-masing harus mengkristal independen dari berikutnya. Untuk nukleasi heterogen mendominasi, harus ada agen nukleasi tersedia di setiap tetesan, yang seringkali tidak terjadi. Jadi dalam emulsi, nukleasi homogen dan pelewat-dinginan luas mungkin umum. Campuran minyak sering digunakan dalam pembuatan es krim, dipilih untuk memperhitungkan karakteristik rekening fisik, rasa, ketersediaan, stabilitas selama penyimpanan dan biaya.
Kami baru menyelesaikan studi tentang penggunaan lemak non-susu di desserts beku, yang tersedia di sini. Sebuah campuran 75% dari minyak inti sawit baik difraksinasi atau minyak kelapa dan 25% dari minyak tak jenuh, seperti minyak bunga matahari tinggi oleat, ditunjukkan untuk menghasilkan tingkat optimal lemak, krisis destabilisasi dan rasa, meskipun minyak kelapa bisa lebih lama mengkristal selama penuaan. Campuran lemak susu 50%, 37,5% inti sawit fraksi atau minyak kelapa, dan 12,5% minyak bunga matahari tinggi oleat juga terbukti sangat diterima. (Foodscience)
Lihat juga : burger king
* Meningkatkan kekayaan rasa pada es krim * Menghasilkan tekstur yang halus karakteristik oleh pelumas langit-langit * Membantu untuk memberikan tubuh untuk es krim, karena perannya dalam destabilisasi lemak * Membantu dalam sifat mencair yang baik, juga karena perannya dalam destabilisasi lemak * Membantu dalam pelumas laras pembeku selama manufaktur (Non-lemak campuran sangat keras pada peralatan pembekuan)
Keterbatasan penggunaan berlebihan gemuk susu dalam campuran meliputi: * Biaya * Menghambat kemampuan mencambuk * Penurunan konsumsi karena kekayaan berlebihan * Nilai tinggi kalori
Sumber terbaik gemuk susu es krim untuk bumbu kualitas tinggi dan kenyamanan adalah krim manis segar dari susu manis segar. Sumber-sumber lain termasuk mentega atau lemak susu anhidrat.
Selama pembekuan es krim, emulsi lemak yang ada dalam campuran akan mengguncang sebagian atau penurunan sebagai akibat dari penggabungan udara, kristalisasi es dan gaya geser tinggi dari pisau. Ini sebagian berputar diperlukan untuk mengatur struktur dan tekstur es krim, yang sangat mirip dengan struktur whipped cream. Pengemulsi membantu mempromosikan proses destabilisasi, yang akan dibahas di bawah.
The trigliserida dalam lemak susu memiliki berbagai macam mencair, +40 ° C sampai -40 ° C, dan dengan demikian selalu ada kombinasi lemak cair dan kristal. Perubahan ini padat: Rasio cair dapat mempengaruhi jumlah destabilisasi lemak yang terjadi. Menduplikasi struktur dengan sumber lain lemak yang sulit.
Sayuran (non-dairy) lemak yang digunakan secara luas sebagai sumber lemak dalam es krim di Inggris, bagian dari Eropa, Timur Jauh, dan Amerika Latin tetapi hanya sampai tingkat yang sangat terbatas di Amerika Utara. Lima faktor yang sangat menarik dalam pemilihan sumber lemak adalah struktur kristal lemak, tingkat di mana mengkristal lemak selama kondisi suhu yang dinamis, profil suhu lebur tergantung dari lemak, terutama pada suhu dingin dan freezer, isi leleh trigliserida tinggi (yang dapat menghasilkan lilin, mouthfeel berminyak) dan rasa dan kemurnian minyak. Adalah penting bahwa tetesan lemak mengandung rasio antara cairan: lemak padat pada saat pembekuan. Sulit untuk menghitung rasio ini karena tergantung pada sejumlah faktor komposisi dan manufaktur, bagaimanapun, 1 / 2 sampai 2 / 3 lemak kristal pada 4-5oC adalah aturan, baik bekerja. Kristalisasi lemak terjadi dalam tiga langkah: pelewat-dinginan untuk mendorong nukleasi, nukleasi heterogen atau homogen (atau keduanya), dan propagasi kristal.
Lemak massal, nukleasi didominasi heterogen, dengan kristal diri mereka bertindak sebagai agen untuk kristalisasi nukleasi lebih lanjut, dan pelewat-dinginan biasanya minimal. Namun, dalam suatu emulsi, tetesan masing-masing harus mengkristal independen dari berikutnya. Untuk nukleasi heterogen mendominasi, harus ada agen nukleasi tersedia di setiap tetesan, yang seringkali tidak terjadi. Jadi dalam emulsi, nukleasi homogen dan pelewat-dinginan luas mungkin umum. Campuran minyak sering digunakan dalam pembuatan es krim, dipilih untuk memperhitungkan karakteristik rekening fisik, rasa, ketersediaan, stabilitas selama penyimpanan dan biaya.
Kami baru menyelesaikan studi tentang penggunaan lemak non-susu di desserts beku, yang tersedia di sini. Sebuah campuran 75% dari minyak inti sawit baik difraksinasi atau minyak kelapa dan 25% dari minyak tak jenuh, seperti minyak bunga matahari tinggi oleat, ditunjukkan untuk menghasilkan tingkat optimal lemak, krisis destabilisasi dan rasa, meskipun minyak kelapa bisa lebih lama mengkristal selama penuaan. Campuran lemak susu 50%, 37,5% inti sawit fraksi atau minyak kelapa, dan 12,5% minyak bunga matahari tinggi oleat juga terbukti sangat diterima. (Foodscience)
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Ice Cream History
Most of the following material has been extracted from "The History of Ice Cream", written by the International Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers (IAICM), Washington DC, 1978. As you will note below, however, much of the early history of ice cream remains unproven folklore.
Once upon a time, hundreds of years ago, Charles I of England hosted a sumptous state banquet for many of his friends and family. The meal, consisting of many delicacies of the day, had been simply superb but the "coup de grace" was yet to come. After much preparation, the King's french chef had concocted an apparently new dish. It was cold and resembled fresh- fallen snow but was much creamier and sweeter than any other after- dinner dessert. The guests were delighted, as was Charles, who summoned the cook and asked him not to divulge the recipe for his frozen cream. The King wanted the delicacy to be served only at the Royal table and offered the cook 500 pounds a year to keep it that way. Sometime later, however, poor Charles fell into disfavour with his people and was beheaded in 1649. But by that time, the secret of the frozen cream remained a secret no more. The cook, named DeMirco, had not kept his promise.
This story is just one of many of the fascinating tales which surround the evolution of our country's most popular dessert, ice cream. It is likely that ice cream was not invented, but rather came to be over years of similar efforts. Indeed, the Roman Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar is said to have sent slaves to the mountains to bring snow and ice to cool and freeze the fruit drinks he was so fond of. Centuries later, the Italian Marco Polo returned from his famous journey to the Far East with a recipe for making water ices resembling modern day sherbets.
A newly published book, by Caroline Liddell and Robin Weir, Ices: The Definitive Guide, publ. by Hodder and Stoughton, 1993, ISBN 0-340-58335-5, suggests that the historical basis of these tales is skeptical.
What follows is from the opening of the first chapter of their book:
Most books are full of myths about the history of ice cream. According to popular accounts, Marco Polo (1254-1324) saw ice creams being made during his trip to China, and on his return, introduced them to Italy. The myth continues with the Italian chefs of the you Catherine de'Medici taking this magical dish to France when she went there in 1533 to marry the Duc d'Orleans, with Charles I rewarding his own ice-cream maker with a lifetime pension on condition that he did not divulge his secret recipe to anyone, thereby keeping ice cream as a royal perogative.
Unfortunately, there is no historical evidence to support any of these stories. They would appear to be purely the creation of imaginative nineteenth-century ice-cream makers and vendors. Indeed, we have found no mention of any of these stories before the nineteenth century.
They go on to refute the claims about Marco Polo, Catherine de'Medici, and Charles I (in particular, while the IAICM reference credits DeMirco as the Charles I chef, apparently while other various sources credit 10 different men, there are no records of such a pension being paid to any of Charles I's cooks).
They do go on in their book to discuss history for which there is a record, with (I think) the earliest written record being something made in China.
Chris Clarke, in his 2004 Royal Society of Chemistry mongraph "The Science of Ice Cream", points out quite correctly that the history of ice cream is closely associated with the development of refrigeration techniques and can thus be traced in several stages:
1. Cooling food and rink by mixing it with snow or ice;
2. The discosvery that dissolving salts in water produces cooling;
3. The discovery (and spread of knowledge) that mixing salts and snow or ice cools even further - mid to late 17th century - the inclusion of cream in the water ices also evolved around this time;
4. The invention of the ice cream maker in the mid 19th century;
5. The development of mechanical refrigeration in the later 19th and early 20th centuries - which led to the development of the modern ice cream industry. (foodscience)
See also : dim sum
sour sally
Once upon a time, hundreds of years ago, Charles I of England hosted a sumptous state banquet for many of his friends and family. The meal, consisting of many delicacies of the day, had been simply superb but the "coup de grace" was yet to come. After much preparation, the King's french chef had concocted an apparently new dish. It was cold and resembled fresh- fallen snow but was much creamier and sweeter than any other after- dinner dessert. The guests were delighted, as was Charles, who summoned the cook and asked him not to divulge the recipe for his frozen cream. The King wanted the delicacy to be served only at the Royal table and offered the cook 500 pounds a year to keep it that way. Sometime later, however, poor Charles fell into disfavour with his people and was beheaded in 1649. But by that time, the secret of the frozen cream remained a secret no more. The cook, named DeMirco, had not kept his promise.
This story is just one of many of the fascinating tales which surround the evolution of our country's most popular dessert, ice cream. It is likely that ice cream was not invented, but rather came to be over years of similar efforts. Indeed, the Roman Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar is said to have sent slaves to the mountains to bring snow and ice to cool and freeze the fruit drinks he was so fond of. Centuries later, the Italian Marco Polo returned from his famous journey to the Far East with a recipe for making water ices resembling modern day sherbets.
A newly published book, by Caroline Liddell and Robin Weir, Ices: The Definitive Guide, publ. by Hodder and Stoughton, 1993, ISBN 0-340-58335-5, suggests that the historical basis of these tales is skeptical.
What follows is from the opening of the first chapter of their book:
Most books are full of myths about the history of ice cream. According to popular accounts, Marco Polo (1254-1324) saw ice creams being made during his trip to China, and on his return, introduced them to Italy. The myth continues with the Italian chefs of the you Catherine de'Medici taking this magical dish to France when she went there in 1533 to marry the Duc d'Orleans, with Charles I rewarding his own ice-cream maker with a lifetime pension on condition that he did not divulge his secret recipe to anyone, thereby keeping ice cream as a royal perogative.
Unfortunately, there is no historical evidence to support any of these stories. They would appear to be purely the creation of imaginative nineteenth-century ice-cream makers and vendors. Indeed, we have found no mention of any of these stories before the nineteenth century.
They go on to refute the claims about Marco Polo, Catherine de'Medici, and Charles I (in particular, while the IAICM reference credits DeMirco as the Charles I chef, apparently while other various sources credit 10 different men, there are no records of such a pension being paid to any of Charles I's cooks).
They do go on in their book to discuss history for which there is a record, with (I think) the earliest written record being something made in China.
Chris Clarke, in his 2004 Royal Society of Chemistry mongraph "The Science of Ice Cream", points out quite correctly that the history of ice cream is closely associated with the development of refrigeration techniques and can thus be traced in several stages:
1. Cooling food and rink by mixing it with snow or ice;
2. The discosvery that dissolving salts in water produces cooling;
3. The discovery (and spread of knowledge) that mixing salts and snow or ice cools even further - mid to late 17th century - the inclusion of cream in the water ices also evolved around this time;
4. The invention of the ice cream maker in the mid 19th century;
5. The development of mechanical refrigeration in the later 19th and early 20th centuries - which led to the development of the modern ice cream industry. (foodscience)
See also : dim sum
sour sally
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